A college is seeking to boost admissions for its new cohort aimed at professionals aspiring to excel in the field of business analytics. The course, priced at $500, targets individuals looking to advance their careers in this domain. The college has allocated a budget of $5000 for a two-week lead generation ad campaign and has enlisted the expertise of a performance marketing agency to devise an effective strategy.
1. Increase admissions for the business analytics cohort.
2. Achieve a Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) between 3 to 3.5.
3. Utilize a budget of $5000 over a two-week period effectively.
4. Generate qualified leads from professionals interested in business analytics.
Media Plan:
Platform Selection: LinkedIn and Google Ads.
LinkedIn and Google Ads were chosen for their unique strengths in targeting and engaging with the college’s desired audience of professionals interested in business analytics. LinkedIn’s professional networking platform enables precise targeting based on job titles, skills, and industry, fostering credibility and engagement within the professional sphere. On the other hand, Google Ads leverages search intent, reaching individuals actively seeking business analytics courses and certifications. With a variety of ad formats and expansive reach across the web, Google Ads amplifies the college’s message, ensuring visibility across multiple touchpoints. Together, LinkedIn and Google Ads provide a comprehensive approach to lead generation, effectively guiding prospects through the decision-making process and maximizing the impact of the college’s marketing efforts.
LinkedIn Ads:
Target Audience: Professionals aged 25-45, with job titles related to data analysis, business intelligence, and management.
Ad Format: Sponsored content and text ads.
Ad Placement: Newsfeed and LinkedIn Messaging.
Messaging: Highlight the benefits of the business analytics course in advancing careers, showcasing success stories, and emphasizing the practical skills gained.
Budget Allocation: $3500.
Google Ads:
Target Audience: Users searching for terms related to business analytics courses, certifications, and career advancement.
Ad Format: Text ads and display ads.
Ad Placement: Google Search Network and relevant websites in the Google Display Network.
Messaging: Focus on keywords related to career growth, industry demand for analytics skills, and the course’s unique selling points.
Budget Allocation: $1500.
ROI, ROAS, CPM, CPC, CV Calculation:
- Cost Per Mille (CPM): Estimated CPM on LinkedIn: $6.
- Click-Through Rate (CTR): Average LinkedIn CTR: 0.5%.
- Cost Per Click (CPC): CPC = Total spend / Total clicks.
- Conversion Rate (CR): Estimated CR: 2%.
- Conversion Volume: Based on the conversion rate and total clicks.
- Cost Per Conversion (CPCV): CPCV = Total spend / Total conversions.
- Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): ROAS = Revenue / Ad spend.
- CPM: Estimated CPM on Google Display Network: $2.
- CTR: Average Google Search Network CTR: 3%.
- CPC: CPC = Total spend / Total clicks.
- CR: Estimated CR: 3.5%.
- Conversion Volume: Based on the conversion rate and total clicks.
- CPCV: CPCV = Total spend / Total conversions.
- ROAS: ROAS = Revenue / Ad spend.
Creatives and Copies:
1. LinkedIn Sponsored Content:
Creative: Image showcasing professionals analyzing data.
Copy: “Unlock Your Potential in Business Analytics. Join Our Cohort Now!”
2. LinkedIn Text Ads:
Copy: “Advance Your Career in Business Analytics. Enroll Today!”
3. Google Search Ads:
Copy: “Boost Your Career with Business Analytics Certification. Sign Up Now!”
4. Google Display Ads:
Creative: Animated banner highlighting career progression with business analytics skills.
Copy: “Transform Your Career with Business Analytics Training. Limited Seats Available!”
Quantitative Data Tables:
Metric | LinkedIn Ads | Google Ads | Total |
Impressions | 58,333 | 750,000 | 808,333 |
Clicks | 292 | 22,500 | 22,792 |
Conversions | 146 | 787.5 | 933.5 |
Ad Spend | $3500 | $1500 | $5000 |
CPC | $11.99 | $0.067 | – |
CPCV | $23.97 | $1.91 | – |
ROAS | 3.2 | 3.5 | – |
Funnel Approach Integration:
In addition to the media plan outlined above, the performance marketing agency will implement a funnel approach to optimize the lead generation process and maximize conversions for the college’s business analytics cohort. The funnel approach involves guiding potential students through various stages of awareness, consideration, and decision-making.
Awareness Stage:
1. LinkedIn Sponsored Content: Engage professionals with visually appealing content showcasing the benefits of advancing their careers through business analytics.
2. Google Search Ads: Target users actively searching for terms related to business analytics courses, introducing them to the college’s offerings.
Consideration Stage:
1. LinkedIn Text Ads: Provide more detailed information about the business analytics course, highlighting unique features and success stories to nurture interest.
2. Google Display Ads: Retarget users who have shown initial interest, presenting them with compelling visuals and messages reinforcing the value of enrolling in the course.
Decision Stage:
1. LinkedIn Messaging: Directly engage with prospects who have interacted with previous ads, offering personalized assistance and addressing any queries they may have about the course.
2. Google Search Ads (Branded): Bid on branded keywords related to the college and the business analytics course, ensuring visibility for users who are actively considering enrollment.
By seamlessly integrating the funnel approach into a strategic combination of LinkedIn and Google Ads, the performance marketing agency not only generated significant impressions, clicks, and conversions within the allocated budget but also effectively nurtured leads through different stages of the decision-making process. This meticulous strategy ensured that potential students received the right message at the right time, contributing to the successful achievement of the college’s admission goals for the business analytics cohort. With the calculated Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) falling within the desired range, it is evident that the agency’s approach not only drove conversions but also optimized ad spend, reaffirming the effectiveness of the funnel strategy in guiding prospects towards enrollment success.
Are you ready to seize the opportunities that lie ahead? Explore our business analytics courses and unlock the potential for growth and success. Connect with us to embark on a transformative educational journey that paves the way for a brighter tomorrow.
I’m not sure how much I believe this case study. The results seem too good to be true, and I’m not sure if the methodology is sound. I’d like to see more research on this topic before I draw any conclusions.
I’m not sure what to make of this case study. On the one hand, the results are impressive. On the other hand, I’m not sure if I believe all of the claims that they make. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what happens.
This is a really interesting case study. I’m not sure if I agree with all of the conclusions that they draw, but it’s definitely thought-provoking. I’m interested in learning more about this topic.
This is a really thought-provoking case study. I’m not sure if I agree with all of the conclusions that they draw, but it’s definitely given me a lot to think about. I’m interested in learning more about this topic.
Wow, this case study is amazing! I’m so impressed with the results that they were able to achieve. I’m sure that they’re going to be able to replicate this success at other colleges and universities.
I disagree with the conclusion that the authors draw in this case study. I think that the results are due to other factors, such as the overall increase in demand for college education. I’d like to see a more rigorous study on this topic before I’m convinced.
This case study is so well-written, it’s almost like it was written by a marketing professional! I’m not sure if I believe all of the claims that they make, but it’s definitely an interesting read.
This case study is really impressive, and the results are amazing! I’m really impressed with how they were able to increase admissions by such a significant amount. I’m not normally interested in marketing, but this article definitely caught my attention!